Squarespace Website 7.0 to 7.1 Migration

Seamlessly upgrade your online presence with our expert migration services from Squarespace 7.0 to 7.1. Let us handle the technical details while you enjoy enhanced features and improved performance.

A little backstory…

When Squarespace rolled out 7.0, it really raised the bar for website design and functionality. But like anything tech-related, things evolve. As users gave feedback and new tools became available, Squarespace saw ways to make things even better—enter 7.1. This version keeps all the good stuff from 7.0, while adding new features and making the whole design process smoother and more flexible.

Why should I upgrade?

With 7.1, Squarespace has introduced a streamlined interface that makes website building more intuitive. This newer version has powerful new features and added flexibility such as site-wide animations, auto-layouts that arrange sets of content, and Fluid Engine, the latest content editing experience. Basically it has improved design flexibility which allows for more customization without the need to touch code.

What happens if I don’t upgrade?

Squarespace will continue to support version 7.0, so you will be able to continue using the ‘older’ version until you’re ready to upgrade. However, it's important to understand that Squarespace's ongoing development efforts are focused entirely on enhancing 7.1. As advancements continue to be made, the difference in the features and performance between the two versions will become more and more apparent.

The Benefits of Migrating to 7.1

Enhanced Features

Migrating keeps your site up-to-date with the latest web standards and design trends. As Squarespace continues to improve 7.1, your site will remain compatible with new features and updates.

Improved User Experience

The 7.1 interface is designed to be more user-friendly, allowing for easier management of your content and site structure. This can help streamline your administrative tasks and enhance the overall user experience of your visitors.

Optimized Performance

With better optimization for mobile devices and faster load times, your website will perform more efficiently, which is crucial for SEO and retaining visitors.

Future Proofing

Staying updated with the latest version ensures compatibility with new technologies and web standards, keeping your site secure and functional in the evolving digital landscape.

Staying Relevant

Migrating keeps your site up-to-date with the latest web standards and design trends. As Squarespace continues to improve 7.1, your site will remain compatible with new features and updates.

Get Your $$ Worth!

Upgrading to Squarespace 7.1 ensures you're getting the full value for your investment. By sticking with 7.0, you're paying for an outdated platform that lacks the latest features, design flexibility, and improvements.

Our Process

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    We start with a one-on-one consultation to understand your current website, your goals for the upgrade, and any specific design or functionality needs. This is where we assess your vision and figure out the best path forward.

  • Black coffee cup sitting on work desk insinuating someone prepping for their website design support intensive


    After the consult, I’ll create a detailed migration plan. This includes reviewing your content, design elements, and integrations to ensure everything transitions smoothly. We’ll also discuss any changes or improvements you want to make during the process.

  • Woman laying on couch with laptop creating a strategy for her website design support intensive


    Here’s where the magic happens. I’ll carefully migrate your site from 7.0 to 7.1, ensuring all content, design, and SEO settings are properly transferred and optimized for the new platform. Any necessary redesign or feature updates will be implemented at this stage.

  • Woman sitting at a white desk with laptop working on a website design support intensive

    Test & Launch

    Once the migration is complete, I’ll run a series of thorough tests to ensure everything functions smoothly—from design elements to mobile responsiveness and all key features. Then we're ready to launch!

Work with us

Reach out for a custom quote

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Squarespace and Shopify website designer brand background green plant

Why Migrate with us…

  • Save Time & Headaches: Upgrading to 7.1 is a hands-on process. I'll handle the technical details so you don't have to stress about what goes where or why something isn't working.

  • Preserve Your Look & Feel: I'll make sure your site's design and branding stay consistent, while taking advantage of the new 7.1 features to enhance the overall experience.

  • Seamless Content Transfer: No worries about losing your blog posts, galleries, or key content. I'll move it all over without missing a beat.

  • Get the Latest Features: 7.1 offers a ton of new design options and flexibility. I'll set up your site to take full advantage, so it’s fresh, modern, and functional.

  • Mobile Optimization: I'll make sure your site looks great and runs smoothly on all devices, ensuring your visitors get the best experience no matter how they access it.

  • Improve Site Speed: 7.1 is faster and more streamlined than 7.0. I'll fine-tune things to ensure your site is running at peak performance.

  • Boost Your SEO: I’ll review and set up your site with best SEO practices, ensuring your titles, descriptions, tags, and overall structure are optimized for search engines.

  • Hands-On Support: I’m here for follow-up tweaks, questions, or updates. 14 days tech support post-project.

boho styled squarespace website that has an online store on laptop sitting on beige desk with green plant
Squarespace and Shopify website designer brand background green plant

 We’re likely a good fit if…

  • You’ve built your site on 7.0 and know it’s time for an upgrade. You want to make sure everything transfers smoothly while unlocking the benefits of 7.1 without losing your current vibe.

  • You’ve heard about all the perks of 7.1 but don't know where to start. You’ve got the vision, but the technical side of it isn’t your thing—and that’s okay.

  • You know 7.0 is outdated, and you want to future-proof your site. You don’t want to be left behind on an older platform while paying for features you’re not even using yet.

  • You’re too busy running your business to handle the upgrade. Between content, design tweaks, and SEO updates, the whole process is a lot more work than you have time for right now.

  • You’re worried about ‘breaking’ your site during the transfer. The thought of messing up layouts, content, or custom features has you hesitating to do it yourself.

  • You want to improve site speed and mobile performance. You know your site could run faster and look better across devices, and the upgrade is the perfect time to address that.

  • You want a professional eye on how to make your site SEO friendly. You’ve worked hard on your business — let’s make sure it gets the visibility it deserves with proper SEO setup.


  • I’ll make sure all your content is transferred seamlessly, but some design elements may need to be recreated due to structural differences between 7.0 and 7.1. I’ll work closely with you to ensure nothing important is lost.

  • The timeline depends on the complexity of your site, but most migrations can be completed within 1-2 weeks. I’ll provide a more accurate estimate once we discuss your specific needs.

  • While 7.1 offers more design flexibility, some customizations from 7.0 may not transfer over exactly. I’ll work to recreate your design as closely as possible, or we can take this opportunity to refresh the look.

  • Part of my service includes reviewing and setting up SEO best practices in 7.1, so your site is fully optimized after the migration. In fact, your SEO may even improve with the upgrade!

  • Most integrations and plugins should continue to work seamlessly in 7.1, but I’ll review them to ensure compatibility. If anything needs adjusting, I’ll handle it for you.

  • I’ll guide you through any prep work, such as backing up your content and identifying key elements you want to keep. I’ll handle the heavy lifting from there.

  • I’ll aim to keep downtime to an absolute minimum. You may experience brief periods of inaccessibility, but I’ll plan and communicate everything to avoid disrupting your business.

  • Absolutely! Upgrading is the perfect time to refresh your site’s design. Whether you want small tweaks or a complete overhaul, I can help bring your vision to life.

  • I provide ongoing support to ensure everything runs smoothly post-migration. If you need any adjustments, fixes, or just have questions, I’ll be here to help.

  • You can submit up to 3 rounds of edits. We will provide the necessary system to make your edits for each round. In order to keep the project on track, the cut-off for all edits will be the Tuesday prior to our final project date.

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Unsure if this service is right for you?

Fill out the application and we’ll get a 30 minute consultation booked to go over the details together.