Semi-Custom Shopify Website Designer | Woman working from laptop on small wooden table
Semi-custom Shopify Website Designer | Two green plants in pots on stools in sunlight

Semi-Custom Shopify Website Design Services

Shopify websites for product based businesses and online stores that are professional, optimized and designed to convert.

Semi-Custom Shopify Website Designer | website for yoga facility mockup on Laptop sitting on table with cream coloured pots and candles


Whether you're starting from scratch or revamping your online store, we collaborate to design a website that's beautiful, functional and focused on selling your products.

Our focus is to ensure your site is user-friendly, aligns with your brand, and engages your audience effectively. We prioritize user-centric design and conversion, ensuring that every visitor feels engaged and connected to your brand, laying the foundation for lasting online relationships.

let’s get started

Sound Familiar?

  • Woman on laptop laying on couch with design overwhelm about building a new Shopify website

    Design Overwhelm and Uncertainty

    The vast world of web design can be daunting for most. You may not know where to begin, which platform to choose, or how to structure your content. This uncertainty can lead to procrastination or settling for a subpar online presence.

  • Notebook with paperclips noting that most people lack expertise to build a Shopify website

    Time Constraints and Lack of Expertise

    You’re stretched thin and already juggling various responsibilities. Designing a website requires time, effort, and specific expertise you may not possess. As a result, the task gets indefinitely postponed or executed without the necessary attention to detail.

  • Woman with laptop sitting on stool worried about building a new Shopify website

    Lack of Brand Differentiation

    Utilizing generic templates or pre-made designs can make a business feel indistinguishable from competitors. You need a website that authentically represents your brand, resonates with your target audience, and sets you apart in the marketplace.

  • Laptop on wooden desk need great user experience when building a Shopify website

    Need for Better user Experience

    A site that's not tailored to the business's target audience can lead to user confusion, decreased engagement, and lost sales or leads. You need a design that’s intuitive, easy to navigate, and optimized for conversions.

Shopify Websites

Semi-Custom Shopify Theme Website

Device Mockup of Nuts For Cheese Natural Foods Shopify website

Introducing the Semi-Custom Shopify Theme Website: A package designed for brands that desire distinction without delving into a 30-50k full custom build. By harnessing the potential of Shopify's powerful themes, we fine-tune and adapt them to align seamlessly with your brand aesthetics and goals. If you're in pursuit of a solution that embodies your brand's uniqueness while optimizing cost and performance, this is the package that transforms your product showcase into a compelling digital storefront.

Timeline: 4-6 weeks
Investment: Starting at $4,897

    • Premium theme selection, installation and configuration

    • Custom CSS code styling for a website unique to your brand

    • Up to 5 theme based standard pages

    • 2 legal pages (copy not included) and custom 404 (error) page

    • 1 Product page style - Up to 10 product pages total

    • 1 x Collection page style - Up to 3 collection pages total

    • All content optimized for mobile viewing

    • Photo optimization

    • Basic Shopify SEO Implementation

    • Up to 3, 3rd party integrations

    • 1 Sales channel only (website)

    • Domain transfer or connection

    • Social media integrations

    • Instagram feed app

    • Newsletter integration

    • Blog set-up (3 individual items max)

    • Pop-up (opt-in for email marketing)

    • Content (copy) creation guides

    • 3 rounds of edits

    • Full ownership & complete control upon completion of project

    • Brand Clarity & Website strategy session - 1 hour

    • Design strategy session - 1 hour

    • Live hand-off call which includes a Shopify lesson (after completion) - 1.5 hours

    • Unlimited support during project

    • 14 Days of technical support by email post project dates

    • Shopify ecommerce settings | DTC (payments, taxes, shipping, delivery, notifications, etc.) unless add-on purchased

    • Apps

    • Theme purchase

    • Domain fees

    • Shopify yearly subscription/plan fee

    • Advanced SEO (outside Shopify)

    • Copywriting (copy, text) unless add-on purchased

    • Branding Packages

    • Website Images - unless stock image sourcing package purchased

    • 3rd Party setup or maintenance

    • Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Return Policy & Shipping Policies (talk to me about options)

    • Custom illustrations, fonts, paintings, or calligraphy, etc.

    • Brand guide including logo pack

    • All site copy (we have a copywriting service if required)

    • Inspiration websites

    • All website and product images (we offer stock image search if required)

    • Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Return Policy & Shipping Policies (talk to me about options)

    • Fill out our questionnaires

  • Most projects are run on a 4-6 Week schedule. This will depend on the amount of pages and products your site will require and any additional add-ons requested (project scope). We will decide on the time-frame once the package has been chosen and the project scope and quote have been approved.

Shopify Theme Website

This package is an ideal choice for those who see their website as an investment in their brand's future, valuing originality, adaptability, and precision. Whether you're a burgeoning startup aiming to stand out, an established business seeking to elevate your brand, or a professional desiring a unique digital footprint, a tailor-made site ensures that your specific needs, aesthetics, and functionalities are met without compromise

Timeline: 4-6 weeks
Starting investment: $4,897

Semi-Custom Shopify Website Designer | Device Mockup of Nuts For Cheese Natural Foods Shopify website

Shopify Theme Website

This package is perfect for those who are not interested in a custom website and are happy with a templated version with their logo, colors and images applied. We have a choice of 4 popular templates to choose from which we will follow to execute your project. Using a template removes the custom elements and stays within the frame of a pre-made template. We do not create icons, backgrounds or visual elements with this package.

    • Premium Theme selection, installation and configuration

    • Custom CSS code styling for a website unique to your brand

    • Up to 5 theme based standard pages

    • Checkout & cart styling

    • 2 legal pages and custom 404 (error) page

    • 1 Product page style - Up to 10 product pages total

    • 1 x Collection page style - Up to 5 collection pages total

    • All Content Optimized For Mobile Viewing

    • Photo optimization

    • Basic Shopify SEO Implementation

    • Up to 3, 3rd party integrations.

    • 1 Sales Channel only (website)

    • Domain transfer or connection

    • Social media integrations

    • Instagram feed app

    • Newsletter integration

    • Blog set-up (3 individual items max)

    • Pop-up (opt-in for email marketing)

    • Content (copy) creation guides

    • 3 rounds of edits

    • Full ownership & complete control upon completion of project

    • Brand clarity call - 1 hour

    • Website strategy session - 1 hour

    • Design strategy session - 1 hour

    • Live hand-off call which includes a Shopify lesson (after completion) - 1.5 hours

    • Unlimited support during project

    • 14 Days of technical support by email post project dates

    • Shopify e-Commerce settings (payments, taxes, shipping, delivery, etc.)

    • Apps

    • Theme purchase

    • Domain fees

    • Shopify yearly subscription/plan fee

    • Advanced SEO (outside Shopify)

    • Copywriting (copy, text)

    • Branding Packages

    • Website Images (unless stock image sourcing package purchased)

    • 3rd Party Setup or Maintenance Fees

    • Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Return Policy & Shipping Policies (talk to me about options)

    • Custom illustrations, fonts, paintings, or calligraphy, etc.

    • Brand guide including logo pack

    • All site copy (we have a copywriting service if required)

    • Inspiration websites

    • All website and product images (we offer stock image search if required)

    • Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Return Policy & Shipping Policies (talk to me about options)

    • Fill out our questionnaires

    • You’re ready to build an online presence with someone who will combine your vision with their expertise.

    • You’re open to new ideas, ready to trust an expert, and willing to follow the process.

    • You recognize the value of a well-designed, functioning website created properly from the ground up.

    • You’re invested in your brand, committed to the process, and ready to engage and participate fully.

  • Most projects are run on a 4-6 Week schedule. This will depend on the amount of pages your site will require and the add-ons requested (project scope). We will decide on the time-frame once the package has been chosen and the project scope and quote have been approved.

Timeline: 3 weeks
Starting investment: $2,897

Semi-Custom Shopify Website Designer | Device Mockup of Nuts For Cheese Natural Foods Shopify website
Semi-Custom Shopify Website Designer | Mobile mockup of Nuts For Cheese Natural Foods website

A semi-custom Shopify Theme Website is for you if…

  • You’re not looking for a 30-50k fully custom Shopify website and recognize that most themes (when chosen properly) mixed with the right apps and some custom TLC will provide your store what it needs.

  • Although you don’t want a fully custom website, you still want it to be fully branded with your fonts, colors, icons, backgrounds etc. You want it to look unique and speak to your ideal customer.

  • You recognize that an ecommerce website built with the principles of conversion at the forefront is a powerful tool for your business.

  • You’re ready to build an online presence with someone who will combine your vision with their expertise. You’re also open to new ideas, ready to trust an expert, and willing to follow the process.

  • You recognize the value of a well-designed, SEO-focused, user-centric ecommerce website that's built from the ground up to convert visitors.

  • You're looking for a straightforward editing experience for future updates and product additions and you want a reliable and secure website without the hassle of frequent maintenance or updates.

Shopify website designer brand flower in cream


Additional services to add to your Shopify package

In addition to the base package, we offer these addition ‘add-on’ services. We will create a custom quote and time-line based on your business needs.

    • 2-3 Design options

    • 2 Revisions

    • Secondary logo included

    • Favicon/Submark included

    • All formats provided

  • Perfect for companies that don't have an existing brand guide and don't want to hire an expensive branding agency.

    We will choose your colors, fonts and create backgrounds and icons. You will receive a complete style board and color palette to match your products, brand mission and client avatar.

  • Through our extensive resources, we will source stock images for your website that match your products, brand & color palette. Additional fees may apply for paid stock images (if necessary).

    Please note: Product images will need to be provided by you.

    • Google Analytics - Set up Analytics and connect to website

    • Google Search Console - Set up Search Console, connect to website & submit a sitemap to google.

  • ecommerce settings
    - payments, taxes, shipping, delivery, standard styling of notifications, login page styling, checkout & cart styling.

  • The base package includes 10 products (1 styled product page). Additional products will be billed accordingly.

  • The base fee includes 5 fully branded website pages, 1 product page style and 1 collection page style. If you require more pages, additional fees will apply for each additional page.

  • Copywriting plays a crucial role in the success of a website by directly impacting user experience, engagement, and conversion rates. High-quality copywriting can effectively convey the intended message, persuade users to take action, include SEO standards, build trust and credibility and contribute to a website's overall success.

    We provide a series of questionnaires to gather information about your brand, company and services to produce effective and converting copy for your website.

  • The base fee includes a blog page design and setup (3 items max). Additional fees may apply if:

    • Additional blog styled pages are required.

    • Bulk importing an existing blog from old website.

    • Request to add/style more than 3 blogs.

The Process…


Benefits of working with me

  • Allocated design dates so you know when to expect your project to be completed and when your site will be launched.

  • Unlimited email support during project. We work on 1 main project at a time.

  • A highly structured behind-the-scenes system to fully execute your site launch on time.

  • 1.5 hour hand-over lesson to teach you all the basics of Shopify so you feel comfortable in the backend.

  • 100% control and ownership of your site once project is completed.


Apply now to start your journey to a website you’ll love.


  • Great! Fill out the application form so that we get a baseline understanding of where you are in your business and what kind of industry you’re in. We’ll then reach out to book a 1/2 hour call to see if we align. We’ll then decide the scope of the project and book you into our next available dates.

  • We generally suggest a minimum 1 month after our initial discussion in order to give you time to gather your copy, images and any additional content. It will also depend on availability as we only work on one project at a time.

  • We understand budgeting is important. We offer a base price for all our packages and the price goes up depending on what is required in addition to what the base package offers. Add-Ons can be purchased in addition and will dictate how long the project will take. We will provide a complete quote once we understand the scope of the project.

  • You will need to gather and provide the brand guide (fonts, colors, icons etc.) logo pack, images, copy and fill out the questionnaires. The deadline for content is 1 week prior to our build dates. If you require help with the brand guide, please let us know and we will provide a quote.

  • Between the in-depth design questionnaires, style board, and inspiration websites, there are many touch-points where we work together to clarify the aesthetic to match your brand. My goal is to provide a final product you love and work closely with you and your vision.

  • I build all Shopify websites on the most current 2.O themes. You will need to purchase either the Basic, Shopify or Advanced plan (most users are on basic) once we’re ready to launch your store. Check out their plan pricing.

  • A 50% deposit is required to secure your dates in my calendar and the final 50% must be paid on the final day of our project dates. Final payment is due whether the website is launched on the final day or delayed until a later date. Delayed launches are included in your package for up to 2 months post project dates. Once the final payment has been received, you will become ‘Owner’ of the website, receive the final files and we will make your website live.

  • We connect 3 x 3rd party integrations for you.

    (Eg. Klaviyo, store locator, etc.) You’ll however be the one to setup your accounts and do anything within the 3rd party app. We do not provide setup or maintenance.

  • Shopify has their own analytics within the platform but is quite limited. It's always recommended to connect your site to Google Analytics in addition.

    You will set up a google analytics account with your existing google account and I will connect it for you.

    We offer setting up Google Analytics and Search Console as an add-on if required.

  • We require a brand guide before proceeding. A brand guide would contain the colors, fonts, image direction and any icons, backgrounds or image elements we should use to remain within the brand guidelines. We can help provide clarity on our call.

  • Yes. We will connect your 3rd party email marketing provider to your website. You will however be responsible for setting up the account and mailing lists.

  • You can submit up to 3 rounds of edits. We will provide the necessary system for editing purposes. In order to keep the project on track, the cut-off for all edits will be the Tuesday prior to our final project date.

  • You have my complete attention during our designated project dates. After the last day of our project (unless a maintenance package has been purchased), I move on to my next project and will provide 14 days via email for technical support.

  • It depends. We can chat through which platform is right for selling your products/services. But if selling services is your websites main goal, then Squarespace is likely the best platform for your business. Check out our Squarespace services.